Albatross Virtual Workstations

Secure, Fast, Scalable Virtual Workstations for your Business

Featured Clients

Virtual Workstations are Perfect Solution for . . .

Businesses of 3-500 Employees

Law Firms

Accounting Firms

Financial Agencies

Insurance Agencies


Call Centers

Schools & Education

Remote Workers


11 Benefits to Virtual Workstations


Central Workstation Deployment

Put an end to cumbersome hardware management and deploy desktops in minutes.


No More Lost Laptops

Since all is virtual there is nothing to lose or be stolen with sensitive company information.


No More Lost Files

All your Virtual Workstations are backed up 24/7 so accidental lost or deleted files by end users are a mere click away.


Save on Hardware

Save on hardware costs by deploying your employees' desktops to top-notch hardware in the best data centers.


Continuous Backups

Lost files, accidental deletions, desktop compromises are a thing of the past with continuous backups


No Hardware to Manage

Hardware upgrades, and remote desktop support is history with Albatross Virtual Workstations.


Access Desktops from Anywhere

Access literally from any device on the Internet at home, coffee shop, airport or at the beach.


Fast Provisioning

No more ordering hardware. Provision a virtual desktop on the fly from templates.


Anti Virus Security

Mal-ware and virus risks are mitigated with central anti-virus management and updates.


Exceptional Support

Any issues, no problem. We support you and your users inside the virtual workstation environment.


Better Security

Encrypted and secured connections to ensure proper company policy compliance.

Albatross Virtual Workstation FAQ

Do you offer Business Class Virtual Workstation for companies with many employees?

Absolutely. We specialize in managed desktop for organizations looking to desktops for employees as a turn key solution. This includes backups, anti-virus, central management, user management, desktop customizations, software deployments.


Does the workstation come with Microsoft Office?

Yes. If you opt for Office we can have it pre-installed.

Can I setup any OS on the virtual workstation?

Yes, for the most part. Just tell us what operating system you need and we will install it.

Can I configure the virtual workstation on my own settings?

Yes, we can give you a vanilla install and you can install your own configurations or you can ask us to help you configure it.

Can I install my own licenses?

It depends. If you need Microsoft software, we have to license it for you. If you have other software, check with your vendor and make sure you can license it on the hosted desktop.

Can I install database hosted desktops on the hosted desktops?

Yes you can install any hosted desktop you need.


How long will it take to setup my virtual workstation?

Usually up to 24 hours.

Will you give me full control access to the hosted desktop?


Can I get as many hosted desktops as I need?

Yes. We can setup as many hosted desktops as you need

Is there a firewall behind my hosted desktop?

If you need a firewall, let us know. We highly suggest putting your hosted desktop behind a firewall.


Does my plan come with backups?

Not all plans come with backup. Check with us before you hand and make sure you get backups.

What is backed up?

Your entire machines are backed up. This includes the hosted desktop, drives attached to the hosted desktop, content on the drives.

How often are the backups?

Your backups take place every 6 hours.

What is the retention period of the backups?

The backups are stored for 14 days.

If I lose a file on the system can I retrieve that file from backup?

Yes you can. Let us know what file you need and we can restore it for you.

If I need to restore a database from backup can I do that?

Yes you can. Let us know what the database file is and we can restore it.

If I restore data do I lose anything at all?

The data restored is restored from the last backup. If last backup took place at 12 noon, and you made changes between 12 and 2 PM, then you ask for a restore at 3, the data will be restored from 12 and work done between 12 and 3 may not be recovered.

Other Questions

If you have more other questions please let us know.

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